Monday 31 October 2011

Analysis of Front Covers

This is another presentation to anylise front covers.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


For this task I made a prezi powerpoint to show what I did all together.

Monday 10 October 2011

Sunday 9 October 2011

Quark Express Porduction Process

For this task I made my contents page on quark express and screen shotted how I did it as I went along.

Step 1: I opened Quark express, made 3 colums and added ym title "contents"

Step 2: I then added my text in the colums

Step 3: I then added my smaller images and page numbers to create my final contents page

Saturday 8 October 2011

Final School Magazine Front Cover

This is my final school magazine front cover that I produced on photoshop. 

Friday 7 October 2011

Photoshop Production Process

For this task I made my front cover on photoshop and did screen shots of how I did it.
Step 1: I opened photoshop and added the central image, title and barcode

Step 2: I then added my coverlines

Step 3: I then added my smaller image to come up with the final front cover

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Pre Lim Task 5 - Photographs for Designs

For this task I took pictures around the school of the images I would include in my school magazine front cover and contents page.
Work made in the DT department

People working the the library

Library books

Textiles work

Textiles work

Textiles work

Textiles work
Sixth form student

Someone working at a computer

Students working at the table

Sixth form centre sign


Spanish room sign


Pre Lim Task 4 - Sketch of Contents Page

For this task I drew out my design for my school magazine contents page as an outline of what I would produce on quark express. This helped me to keep all of my work organised.

Pre Lim Task 3 - Contents for School Magazine

For this task I was asked to write a list of the things I will include in my magazine and that I will write it on my front contents page.

Plan for my contents page

Regular content:

- Horrorscopes

- What is on ice radio this week

- Iris rewards

- Top students and teachers

- Questions and answers

Feature articles:

- Council meeting

- How to cope with exams

- Interview with the head

- Extra clubs

- Drama department news

- Horrorscopes

- What is on ice radio this week

- Iris rewards

- Top students and teachers

- Questions and answers

- Superstars


- Superstars Banner

- Drama

- Head teacher

- School council

- Ice radio

Pre Lim Task 2 - Sketch of Front Cover

For this task I drew out my design for my school magazine front cover.

Pre Lim Task 1 - Plans of School Magazine

Plan for my front cover

Words associted with School:

- Techers

- Pupils

- Learning

- Timetable

- Books

- Students

- Lessons

Title of my magazine - Pupils Weekly

Mise-en-scene: School council sitting around the table, two people showing council badges, in an over the shoulder shot.


- Council meeting

- How to cope with exams

- Interview with the head

- Extra clubs

- Drama department news

- Horrorscopes*

* = Regular content

Camera angles - You've been framed task

For this task me and my group went to take shots of different images using different camera angles to become more familiar with it.
A low angle medium close up

A high angle long shot

An extreme close up of the time

A big close up of someone using a mobile phone

A close up of someone in nature

A two shot in medium long shot

A very long shot conveying isolation

A long shot

An over the shoulder shot of someone writing

A photograph which has connotations of friendship

A photograph which has conotations of stress

A medium close up

Monday 3 October 2011

Codes and Conventions of a Magazine

For this task I will go through the codes and conventions of magazine front covers and contents pages
What all magazines must include:

Front cover: 
  • Masthead/title - So that the audience know what magazine it is and will recognise it by it's title
  • Font and colour scheme - So that the magazine looks professional and consistent
  • Issue number, price and barcode - Gives people the correct information that they need in general
  • Images - To catch the audience eye, relate text to images so that they want to know more
  • Central image - Relating to the main article
  • Text - Clear text and font so that it is read and understood easily
  • Page numbers - So that you know what page your on
  • Contents page - So that you know what features in the magazine
  • Buzz words - To attract the readers attention and sell it's self
Contents page:
  • Text - In colums so that all the text is read clearly
  • Masthead - Often features to re-enforce the brand
  • Colour - Keeps consistent from the front cover
  • Font - Easy to read and clear
  • Images - Small and relate to the content of the magazine